Service Provision

Upon successful completion of the referral and assessment stage, a support plan will be completed at a development meeting. This meeting may involve the service user, support worker, Social Worker, and parent or other family member if applicable. The Life Skills programme focuses on assessing the social and independence skills required to meet the statutory care and pathway plans. Elements of the life skills assessments include budgeting and finance, food hygiene and preparation, personal hygiene, and social and sexual health awareness. This assessment will help the Alpha team to develop an action plan which addresses each care leaver’s strengths and weaknesses.

Residents Development

Alpha Care Service will monitor, record, and communicate service users’ progress through regular:

  • Key work sessions.
  • Support plan reviews.
  • Encouragement to give feedback which will enable us to improve our services.
  • Weekly service users meetings.
  • Monthly programmed social gatherings.
  • Service users’ involvement.

Alpha Care Service - The System

Alpha Care Services